Oil Water Separator

Oil Water Separator
20th Jun

Oil Water Separator

An oil water Separator (OWS) may be a piece of apparatus accustomed separate oil and water mixtures into their separate elements. There square measure many various varieties of oil-water centrifuge. They has totally different oil separation capability and square measure employed in different industries. Oil water separators square measure designed and selected when thought of oil separation performance parameters and life cycle price concerns. "Oil" are often taken to mean mineral, vegetable and animal oils, and also the many various hydrocarbons.


Oil water separators can be designed to treat a variety of contaminants in water including free floating oil, emulsified oil, dissolved oil and suspended solids. Not all oil separator types are capable of separating all contaminants. The most common performance parameters considered are:

  • Oil droplet size (in the feed to the separator)
  • Oil density
  • Water viscosity (temperature)
  • Discharge water quality desired
  • Feed oil concentration and the range of oil concentrations likely
  • Feed oil water flow (daily and peak hourly)