Lamella Clarifier

Lamella Clarifier

Lamella Clarifier

Krofta lamella clarifier is used for the separation of solid particles from a liquid stream, typically in wastewater treatment plants or industrial processes. It utilizes a series of inclined plates or closely spaced parallel plates arranged at an angle to facilitate the settling and removal of suspended solids and particulate matter from water.
The principle behind the lamella clarifier is based on the process of sedimentation, where gravity causes heavier particles to settle down when the liquid velocity is sufficiently low. In a lamella clarifier, the inclined plates provide a large surface area for particles to come into contact with, which enhances the settling process. The plates can be manufactured in FRP or metal and are set at an angle between 45 to 60 degrees.
As water flows through the lamella clarifier, the suspended particles collide with the inclined plates, losing their momentum and settling onto the plate surfaces. Over time, these settled particles accumulate into a sludge layer at the bottom of the plates. The clarified water, which is now reduced in solid content, continues to move upwards between the plates and is collected at the top for further processing or discharge.
One of the advantages of using a lamella clarifier is its compact design. By utilizing inclined plates to increase the effective settling area, these clarifiers can achieve a higher flow rate and solid removal efficiency compared to conventional settling tanks of similar size. This is particularly useful in cases where space is limited.
Krofta offers smaller capacity lamella clarifiers in completely metallic structures for small flow rates to be used after biological treatment instead of conventional secondary clarifiers. Or we can also quote for projects with lamella clarifiers in primary treatment for large flow rates with civil tank and FRP or metallic plates or plate pack type media, with bottom scrapper mechanism for removing settled sludge.
Popular Applications
  • Municipal sewage treatment plants
  • Effluent Treatment Plants
  • Clarifier for post biological treatment

Detail About Lamella Clarifier